“Women Energize Women” conference
ICM – International Congress Center
Munich, Germany
15 June 2023


Within the #womenenergize campaign and conference, a great number of articles were and will be published by the #womenenergize media fellows and other institutions.

Women Energize Women  // 19 June 2024

Panel at the Intersolar Conference in Munich: Shaping the Solar Landscape: Female Visionaries on Project Funding for PV

Find a short summary and report on the event at the Intersolar Munich. 

Women Energize Women  // 02 April 2024

Leading Change: Gender Equality as a Prominent Topic at the BERLIN ENERGY TRANSITION DIALOGUE

Find a short summary and report on the relevant gender equality events and activities during the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue and the Berlin Energy Week.


Women Energize Women  // 19 January 2024

Keeping the flag up for gender equality

Find a short summary and report on the Women Energize Women events and cooperation at COP28, Dubai, UAE.


Women Energize Women  // 05 October 2023

Key Findings of the Women Energize Women Conference 2023

Find a short summary of the key findings from this year’s international Women Energize Women Conference in Munich, Germany.

Green Collar Women Association // 27 September 2023

Gender Equality in Energy Industry Report 2022

This report by the Turkish Women in Renewables and Energy Network (TWRE) was conducted for Deutsche Gesellschaft für international Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH under the Renewables and Migration (REMI) project implemented on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Women Energize Women // 15 September 2023

A Wind Farm in my Backyard

Summary of the Women Energize Women event “THE FUTURE OF WIND ENERGY – Public Support,
Citizen Participation & Financing” at the HUSUM Wind fair 2023 (12th September 2023)

by Lu Yutong // 04 August 2023

Reporter’s Notebook: What I Learned From an All-Women Conference at Europe’s Largest Energy Trade Fair

After showing my reporter’s ID to a staff member, I stepped into Munich’s International Congress Center. As I prepared to get to work chasing interviews and nailing down stories, hot energy topics of the day that would need to be covered cycled through my still slightly jet-lagged brain…

by Daniela Loredo // 19 July 2023

Women promote gender equity in "Women Energize Women"

Making women visible within the energy industry is not a local challenge, unfortunately it is a constant that is replicated worldwide, although on different scales. „Women Energize Women (WEW)“ represents that space that seeks to boost female participation in a masculinized sector through talks and panel discussions, oriented on this occasion, to finance the energy transition and invest in women.

by Fernanda Varela Laso // 04 July 2023


En el marco de la feria internacional Smarter E-Europe se realizó la segunda edición del evento “Women Energize Women”, contando con la participación de destacadas expositoras de todo el mundo para promover experiencias y buenas prácticas en el marco de una mayor integración de mujeres en el sector energía.

by Justicia Shipena // June 2023

Unlocking Opportunities through Women-led Energy Projects

Women from all over the world who attended the Women Energize Women Conference firmly advocated funding and investing in women-led projects within the energy sector.

by // 30 June 2023

#womenenergize Women accelerates Women Empowerment in the Energy Sector

Held on June 15, 2023, in Munich in the context of Smarter E, Europe Fair is the 2nd edition of the Women Energize Women conference, bringing together experts and driving forces from innovation from politics, industry, and research to discuss pressing issues of the energy transition and to develop solutions.

by Fernanda Varela Laso // 22 June 2023

Fernanda Varela, embajadora de WEW: «El objetivo es promover una transición energética justa y con equidad de género»

La periodista se transformó en la primera chilena en asistir al evento realizado en Alemania, donde compartió experiencias con otras mujeres especialistas en energía y contó las tareas pendientes a trabajar en el país en equidad de género.

by Marwa Saidi // 21 June 2023

Conférence internationale “Women Energize Women” | Energies renouvelables : Pour une transition juste et inclusive dans la région Mena

“Les femmes du secteur de l’énergie dans la région Mena” est un événement qui s’est tenu en marge de la 2e édition de la conférence internationale “Women Energize Women”.

by Marwa Saidi // 21 June 2023

Conférence internationale “Women Energize Women” | Egalité des genres dans le secteur de l’énergie : Les ambassadrices WEW aux premières loges

Lors de la clôture de la conférence internationale “Women Energize Women”, les organisateurs de l’événement ont annoncé les noms des premières ambassadrices qui vont représenter cette campagne dans plusieurs pays. Ce premier noyau de professionnelles et responsables s’attellera à promouvoir l’égalité des genres dans le secteur de l’énergie.

by Marwa Saidi // 21 June 2023

Conférence internationale “Women Energize Women” | Des femmes engagées à briser le plafond de verre

Des femmes leaders et pionnières dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables venues du monde entier  se sont réunies, le 15 juin 2023, dans la capitale bavaroise Munich, pour aborder la question de  la transition énergétique à travers le prisme féminin. Elles ont débattu des enjeux de la transformation des systèmes énergétiques mais également du rôle de la femme dans ce changement déterminant pour le futur de la planète.

by Hassiba Taftichte // 18 June 2023

La GIZ accompagne 12 femmes de pays différents à la conférence internationale Women Energize à Munich

La 2ᵉ édition de la conférence internationale Women Energize Women, organisée conjointement par le Partenariat Énergétique Bilatéral, GWNet et BEE, s’est tenue le 15 juin 2023 à Munich dans le cadre du salon Intersolar.

Women Energize Women // 16 June 2023


Official Press Release of the 2nd Women Energize Women Conference in Munich (15th June 2023)

by Aurélie Kalenga // 15 June 2023

The Women Energize Women Conference ready for women renewable experts from several countries

One of the speakers is Damilola Asalaye she is the COO and Co-Founder of Ashdam Solar and Vice President of the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria joined Peter Ndoro…

by Aurélie Kalenga // 14 June 2023

Smarter E Europe Fair hosted in Munich Germany

Important players of the industry from across the globe are discussing renewable energies, and cross-sector solutions for a sustainable energy supply.

For more on this Peter Ndoro spoke to Aurelie Kalenga… 

by Aurélie Kalenga // 13 June 2023

The Smarter E Europe Fair opens in Munich Germany

Peter Ndoro spoke to Aurelie Kalenga coming live from Munich, Germany.

by Aurélie Kalenga // 12 June 2023

The Smarter E Europe Fair in Germany's city of Munich on rules of new energy

Channel Africa’s Aurelie Kalenga has more from Munich, Germany….

Women Energize Women // 03 May 2023

Energy Journalism does not stop beyond borders

Summary of the Women Energize Women Event on Energy Journalism (8th NOVEMBER 2022)

Women Energize Women // 20 April 2023

Powerful start into the new campaign year 2023

Summary of the Women Energize Women event “Women Empowerment in Global Energy Cooperations” @ the BETD.23 & Berlin Energy Week 2023 (30th March 2023)

Women Energize Women // 22 December 2022

Energy is everything - Energy access and women empowerment

Last #womenenergize article for this year! Let’s have a look on energy access and gender equality with a personal touch of our Women Energize Women team member Maria Göckeritz.

Women Energize Women // 09 December 2022

Is it different? - founding a female-led business in MENA & Germany

Summary of the Women Energize Women @ Arab-German Energy Forum panel discussion (12th OCTOBER 2022)

Women Energize Women // 25 November 2022

Women’s wind of change

Summary of the Women Energize Women @ WindEnergy Hamburg (27 September 2022)

by Nils Husmann and Sebastian Drescher // 30 September 2022

"Erneuerbare Energien sind weiblicher: grüner, softer, leiser"

Unsere Speakerin der Konferenz 2022 Dr Rashi Gupta wurde von Christmon DE interviewed. Womit sie die deutschen Leser:innen begeisterte, findet ihr hier!

by Daniela Chiaretti // 23 June 2022

Energia renovável ainda é setor de homens

Este artigo é exclusivo do Valor em formato PDF.

Women Energize Women // 02 June 2022

Your experiences on starting a business

The last month we asked three female entrepreneurs from different countries on how they experienced their first steps into the business world in the renewable energy sector.

by Maryna Ilchuk // 23 May 2022

Ukraine: the war fought on the energy front

A PDF presentation as a follow up on the discussion on important issues of the global energy transition.

by Daniela Chiaretti // 23 May 2022

Energia solar chega a 1TW e já é a 2a fonte

Este artigo é exclusivo do Valor em formato PDF.

by Daniela Chiaretti // 23 May 2022

Geração de energia solar alcança marca história de 1TW

Este artigo é exclusivo do Valor em formato PDF.

by Daniela Chiaretti // 18 May 2022

Descarbonizar é uma agenda feminista

O desequilíbrio de gênero no universo energético é pouco inteligente e míope; mulheres são metade da população global.

by Lamiae Boumahrou // 17 May 2022

[Spécial WEW] Dr Simone Peter: "Il y a d'énormes opportunités à saisir entre le Maroc et l'Allemagne"

Plus que jamais l’accélératiopn du développement des énergies renouvelables est au centre des préoccupations notament des pays consommateurs d’énergie en l’occurrence l’Allemagne. Interpellée en marge du Women Energize Women, Dr Simone Peter, Présidente du German Renewables Energy Federation BEE nous rapelle les défis futurs communs à relever dans ce demaine à l’aune des nouvelles donnes mondiales.

by Lamiae Boumahrou // 17 May 2022

[Spécial WEW] Christine Lins "La promotion du rôle de la femme accélérera le développement du secteur énergétique"

Le 12 mai dernier, Munich a accueilli la 1ère édition du Women Energize Women (WEW), initiative lancée par le ministère fédéral allemand de l’Economie et de l’Energie (BMWi) et mise en oeuvre par l’Agence allemende de la coopération internationale (GIZ) et la Fédération allemande des énergies renouvelables (BEE). Christine Lins, Directeur exécutif GWNET, revient sur les principaux objectifs de cette initiative qui vise à promouvoir la femme dans le domaine des énergies en l’occurrence les énergies renouvelables.

by Lamiae Boumahrou // 17 May 2022

[Spécial Women Energize Women] Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven (GIZ) plaide pour le renforcement du rôle de la femme dans le domaine des énergies

Face aux nouveaux enjeux économiques et climatiques, il devient de plus en plus urgent d’accélérer la transition énergétique. Les femmes ont un rôle importan à jouer dans ce domaine. C’est l’objectif de l’initiative Women Energize Women (WEW) comme nous l’explique Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Directeur général de la GIZ.

by Lamiae Boumahrou // 17 May 2022

[Spécial Women Energize Women] Ellen von Zitzewitz revient sur les 10 ans du partenariat énergétique Maroc-Allemagne

Le Maroc et l’Allemagne célèbrent cette année 10 années de cooperation dans la domaine de l’énergie. Interviewée dans le cadre du Women Energize Women, Ellen von Zitzewitz, directrice adjointe de la cooperation Energie-climat au Ministère fédéral allemand des Affaires économiques et de l’Action Climatique, nous a précisé qu’il est temps de mettre en oeuvre les programmes sur lesquels le Maroc et l’Allemagne ont travaillé ensemble notamment dans le domaine de l’hydrogène.

by Lamiae Boumahrou // 17 May 2022

[Spécial Women Energize Women] Une initiative allemande pour renforcer la place de la femme dans le secteur énergétique

Promouvoir le rôle de la femme dans l’accélération de la transition énergétique fût le principal objectif de la 1ère édition de l’initiative <Women Energize Women> tenue en Allemagne à Munich le 12 mai en marge de la conférence The Smarter E, la plus grande platforme européenne pour le secteur de l’émergie. Le Maroc, l’un des partenaires de l’Allemangne dans le domaine de l’énergie y a pris part, représenté par le média EcoActu.ma.

by Farah Atyyat // 15 May 2022

Jordan to host first MENA-Europe energy dialogue

Jordan will host the first “MENA-Europe Future Energy Dialogue” in early June, the German Federal Ministry and Climate Action announced.

by Farah Atyyat // 14 May 2022

Munich energy conference to inspire, motivate women

Women have an instrumental role in the evolution of the energy sector worldwide, although it is being downplayed, a German official said.

by Claudia Solera // 13 May 2022

Mujeres cierran brecha en tema energético en Women Energize Women

Por primera vez, mujeres de todo el mundo se reunieron en Múnich, Alemania para discutir sobre la transición energética global, un campo dominado por hombres

by Elia Simeone // 13 May 2022

Industria de hidrógeno verde requiere vincularse con la comunidad y regulaciones claras para reducir el potencial impacto sobre el medioambiente

Superando las propias expectativas de sus organizadores, ayer se inauguró y se realizó en esta ciudad la Primera Conferencia Internacional “Mujeres Energizan Mujeres” (“Women Energize Women”), la cual estuvo cruzada por el impacto que ha tenido en Europa y, particularmente, en Alemania la guerra que inició Rusia al invadir Ucrania.

by Meriem Khadhraoui // 12 May 2022

ER/Genre: Les forces féminines fédérées pour une meilleure contribution dans la transition énergétique dans le monde

Des femmes leaders et actrices de changements dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables (ER) et partenaires dans l’action climatique, ont assisté, jeudi, à Munich, à la première conférence « Women Energize Women ».

by Elia Simeone // 12 May 2022

Chile va a ser un socio importante de Alemania en el desarrollo de la industria del hidrógeno verde

Ellen von Zitzewitz destacó a nuestro país como el primero con el cual establecieron un acuerdo de apoyo para el desarrollo de este e-combustible y sus derivados y descartó que la distancia geográfica sea una desventaja al momento de proyectar esta industria en Magallanes.

Women Energize Women Conference Brochure // 12 May 2022

Official program

The official brochure of the first Women Energize Women Conference during the smarter E fair in Munich 2022 includes the conference program, speakers, media fellows and all the women’s networks participating.

Note from the Global Platform for Action (GPA) on Sustainable Energy in Displacement Settings to Women Energize Women // 12 May 2022

The intersection of gender parity, energy access and forced displacement: Women’s energy needs and experiences

The organizers are particularly pleased to have Arielle Ben-Hur, Inclusivity Lead, Global Platform for Action (GPA) on Sustainable Energy in Displacement Settings, UNITAR, present the findings of the first report on the state of the humanitarian energy sector. Access to sustainable and clean energy can bring significant benefits to displaced people and their hosts in the areas of gender equality, food security, water, sanitation, health, education, livelihoods, connectivity, and environmental protection.

Women Energize Women Conference Press Release // 12 May 2022

How women help shape the global energy transition

Within the framework of The Smarter E, Europe’s largest platform for the energy sector, the conference “Women Energize Women” was held for the first time in Munich. The focus of the conference is on women and their role in shaping the global and regional energy transition(s).

Women Energize Women // 24 March 2022

How can a feminist foreign policy further the
energy transition?

The feminist approach to foreign policy is quite new to the political arena. It was first announced in October 2014 by Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström. Gender equality was implemented as the fifth UN Sustainable Development Goal in 2015. It has undoubtedly had an impact on different levels of politics, but what does a feminist foreign policy mean specifically?

Women Energize Women // 20 January 2022

Obstacles and Opportunities of Female Founders - An Introduction

You have a unique idea and the passion to follow your dream – then you are ready to start your own business, right? It sounds easy enough, but the reality looks different. Studies on women entrepreneurs always find similar situations: Women starting a business of their own face obstacles that male counterparts likely do not.

Women Energize Women // 10 December 2021

Gender equality as the goal – gender mainstreaming as the strategy

Achieving greater equality between women and men will require changes at many levels. This starts with changes in attitudes and relationships, but also changes in institutions and legal frameworks are important for a real transformation.

Women Energize Women // 12 November 2021

Women, Gender Equality And The Energy Transition – Why It Matters

Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and therefore also half of its potential. Yet gender inequality continues to persist everywhere. In 2019, women only held 28 percent of managerial positions worldwide. Regardless of where you live, gender equality is a fundamental right. Closing the gender gap in the energy sector is essential for a successful energy transition. The renewable energy sector holds out high
hopes when it comes to the role of women.