“Women Energize Women” conference
ICM – International Congress Center
Munich, Germany
15 June 2023

About the campaign

The „Women Energize Women“ campaign is part of the communication initiative by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. From 2021 to 2023 the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) co-implemented the initiative and currently has responsibility for digital communications such as website and the social media channels.

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The campaign

In order to achieve the global energy transition, all talents are needed. However, structural and economic barriers still exist for women* to enter the sector and to occupy decision making positions.

The campaign aims to empower, motivate, inform, inspire and connect women* working in the energy sector across the world. It does so by offering interactive on-site, hybrid and online events, that are also published on YouTube or summarized on the website’s news page.

Our social media channels on X, LinkedIn and Instagram provide regular content on the state of gender equality in the energy sector as well as inspirational quotes and statements. Innovative post series such as women@work or our #womenenergize portraits, shed light on women* engineers, technicians, entrepreneurs, journalists, marketingexperts and other role models from the renewables world.

On our news page you will find additional content such as in-depth articles and interviews on energy topics in several languages from our #womenenergize media fellows.

#womenenergize on social media

To stay up to date on the latest events and updates and to connect with other energy enthusiasts, connect with us on X, LinkedIn, and Instagram and become part of our growing community!

Follow us on Social Media for more information

Further information on #womenenergize events

From solar to geothermal power, energy journalism to finance – our events are covering a wide range of topics from an international perspective, always making sure to provide room for interaction and exchange and adopting topics from the #womenenergize community on a regular basis. The events are held on-site, online or hybrid, giving you the opportunity to participate from wherever you are.