“Women Energize Women” conference
ICM – International Congress Center
Munich, Germany
15 June 2023

Katharina Habersbrunner

Board Member & Team Leader for “Sustainable Energy and Climate Solutions” at Women Engage for a Common Future WECF

Katharina is board member and team leader for “Sustainable Energy and Climate Solutions” at Women Engage for a Common Future WECF, an international NGOs striving for sustainable and (gender) just environmental solutions.

WECF’s climate and energy programmes include projects in Africa, Central Asia and Europe. Prior to this, Katharina served as Risk Manager at Munich Re Group. Her professional expertise is decentralized citizen’s energy projects, local energy markets, energy efficiency and advocating for socially-sound and gender-just energy solutions on national and international level. Increasing gender equality is central to the energy and climate projects with gender mainstreaming as one of the core tools.

Katharina is also board member of Bündnis Bürgerenergie BEEn, the umbrella association for citizen’s energy in Germany, advocating for an ambitious decentralized energy transition and also of Bürgerenergiegenossenschaft BENG.

Katharina holds a diploma in mathematics, a master’s degree in education and psychology and an MBA in sustainability management with focus on renewable energy.